What will be the exchange rate of the Russian ruble to the US dollar on March 31, 2025?
Chance (Yes)
1 USD > 100 RUB
2 042,79
1 USD = 90–100 RUB
1 USD < 90 RUB
The market will be settled based on the official USD exchange rate from the Central Bank of Russia as of March 31, 2025 (23:59 UTC):
If the rate is above 100 RUB per 1 USD, the market outcome will be "> 100 RUB".
If the rate is between 90 and 100 RUB (inclusive) per 1 USD, the outcome will be "90–100 RUB".
If the rate is below 90 RUB per 1 USD, the outcome will be "< 90 RUB".
The settlement source is the official USD exchange rate published by the Central Bank of Russia in the "Official exchange rates for a given date" section on https://www.cbr.ru/, under "Exchange Rates" → USD.
Only the official rate from the Central Bank of Russia will be considered, excluding Forex or other exchange data.The market will be settled based on the official USD exchange rate from the Central Bank of Russia as of March 31, 2025 (23:59 UTC):
If the rate is above 100 RUB per 1 USD, the market outcome will be "> 100 RUB".
If the rate is between 90 and 100 RUB (inclusive) per 1 USD, the outcome will be "90–100 RUB".
If the rate is below 90 RUB per 1 USD, the outcome will be "< 90 RUB".
The settlement source is the official USD exchange rate published by the Central Bank of Russia in the "Official exchange rates for a given date" section on https://www.cbr.ru/, under "Exchange Rates" → USD.
Only the official rate from the Central Bank of Russia will be considered, excluding Forex or other exchange data.The market will be settled based on the official USD exchange rate from the Central Bank of Russia as of March 31, 2025 (23:59 UTC):
If the rate is above 100 RUB per 1 USD, the market outcome will be "> 100 RUB".
If the rate is between 90 and 100 RUB (inclusive) per 1 USD, the outcome will be "90–100 RUB".
If the rate is below 90 RUB per 1 USD, the outcome will be "< 90 RUB".
The settlement source is the official USD exchange rate published by the Central Bank of Russia in the "Official exchange rates for a given date" section on https://www.cbr.ru/, under "Exchange Rates" → USD.
Only the official rate from the Central Bank of Russia will be considered, excluding Forex or other exchange data.
1 USD > 100 RUB
Amount in dollars
Avg. buy price0.00$
Number of outcomes
Potential return (ROI)
0.00$ (0%)